To paraphrase an advert from some years ago, “You’ve read the best now read (one of the) rest”….. 

Did my usual Jolly Jaunt to the Isle of Wight for a Restricted SOU section BERU entry from the top of the cliffs near Brighstone …. :

80m – 9 QSOs 

40m – 32 QSOs

20m – 41 QSOs

15m – 40 QSOs

10m – 7 QSOs.

Antennas were a 14AVQ (40/20/25/10m) and 40ft vertical (80m).

No original comments on conditions in addition to these already made (and with which I pretty much agree). Survived the contest itself on 3 Pot Noodles and a couple of Bovril sandwiches plus lots of cups of tea…although meals in the local hostelry on Friday and Sunday nights did help.  

But the real point of making a report at all is to say that I concur with the views already expressed that although something needs to be done to re-energise BERU, I think that the “UK works UK” proposal would be counterproductive, and that as Steve GW0ETF so well describes it, it would end up as a glorified all band CC! One of the great things about BERU is that it is HARD (for us little antenna merchants anyway) and allowing a (relatively) easy option would risk destroying the current essence of the event.. But that said I can’t think of any viable  alternative (sad or what?!)

73 and looking forward to next year, Quin G3WRR