2017 E51KTA more pictures

Dom visited the Kii Kii Motel where I operated from in 2007. Its still there! And Room 17 looks as inviting as it did back then! The sea looks a bit closer too. 73 Bob G3PJT

And some pics of the 40 (30m? ) GP
Only TX that was RX by it was 200mW WSPR beacon on 30m... I tried and
tried on 30m with KX3 qrp but nothing so no sstv narrow QSO either.

Was setup in room next to shack whole time was there. I moved to a 30m
GP (that still there) after 4SQ taken down.

The piglets ate through the feeder.... which is why I put it up after
fixing it. Andy says all down now as had to mow the lawn...



OK the images are of the 30m 4sq  BEFORE and single 30m GP AFTER I
hacked it to bits to make the 40m 2 el.

TWO 10m poles became the 40m 2el. I had one 30m GP and all the radials
so raised it and tuned perfect, low power feeder though so 100W signals

The GP was 14SWG wire well able to work at 1KW so remade the 2 30GP's
into 40m GP splicing in (and soldering) parts of the third 30M GP
sacrificed. I had the remains of the 100m reel I made 30m GP radials
from and another one and made up 40m GP radials. The main elements were
helically wound about the 10m poles to reduce wind effect and this
worked as the poles stayed vertical when we had high winds the day after
(QRT due to thunderstorms). The 30m and 40m GP's were guys with 3mm cord
at about 2.4m (as far up as I could reach and held in place with tent pegs.

The 40m 2el was fed with 50ohm coax into a dicast box  (visited local
Jaycar to see what was available, not much to be honest) a 1/4 and 3/4
wavelength piece of Belbin 9913 (as was I used MiniVNA to confirm these)
and then then separation was fixed at about 24-25ft to maximize UK
signals and reduce JA and VK signals so a bit of too and from rig to
check this.

Antenna work in 32'C 85% humidity was definitely not fun all inbetween

Hope peeps appreciate the QSO on 40m.
